Ax Nihongo

Friday, March 31, 2006


make judgments from a broader perspective

n. (Hira=うらかた) lady consort; spouse, mate; scene shifter

v. (Hira=いかす) revive, resuscitate, bring back to life; make use of

v. (Hira=たずさわる) participate, partake

n. (Hira=ふにん) new appointment

v. slide, slip off, glide

v. (Hira=はけんする) send, dispatch

n. (Hira=じょうちゅう) staying permanently, being stationed

adj. (Hira=こころづよい) heartening, reassuring

n. (Hira=みかた) friend, ally, supporter, fan

n. (Hira=じゅうにしちょう) duodenum, part of the small intestine

n. (Hira=かいよう) canker, sore

n. (Hira=ちゅうすいえん) appendicitis, inflammation of the vermiform appendix

adj. severe, strict, austere, astringent, chaste

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


v. (Hira=ととのう) be put in order, be arranged, be prepared

n. (Hira=てんけん) inspection, examination, checking, act of looking over carefully and critically

v. (Alt=赴く, Hira=おもむく) go, proceed; repair; grow

n. (Hira=しゅし) object, meaning, gist, point

n. (Hira=ろんし) point of an argument, drift of an argument

・執らなければ成りません > しなければなりません。

adv. (Hira=おのずから) naturally, in a natural manner, unaffectedly, artlessly

adv. (Hira=みずから) personally, by myself, by me only

・後後後「ノチアトゴ」 notch at 5.

・適する/適さない -> 会う/会わない

v. (Hira=とげる) accomplish, achieve, carry out, complete, finish

n. (Hira=ふよ) grant, award; allowance; endowment; assignment

n. (Hira=ふ) negative, minus, negation
負う -> ou and owe? perfect sound match of japanese and english.
v. (Hira=おう) bear, give birth; owe
v. (Alt=敗ける, Hira=まける) lose, be defeated; submit, give in; reduce, lower; abate

adj. (Hira=いいにくい) unspeakable, unutterable, inexpressible

・免れる - manugeru and manoeuvrer ? think about it.
v. (Hira=まぬがれる,まぬかれる) escape, be rescued; avoid, evade; be exempted, be relieved; get rid
maneuver (fr. manoeuvrer )
(動) 演習する; 作戦を遂行する; 操縦する
(名) 作戦行動; 大演習; 策略

n. (Hira=まぬけ, Kata=マヌケ) disharmony, discord; stupidity, dunce, moron
adj. (Hira=まぬけな, Kana=マヌケな) dumb, stupid, slow

adv. (Hira=もしくは) otherwise, else
conj. (Hira=もしくは) or, connecting two alternatives

n. (Hira=るいせん) lachrymal gland, gland that produces tears in the eye (Anatomy)

n. (Hira=かんるい) tears of gratitude

v. (Hira=さばく) judge, preside over a court trial and make decisions, rule

v. (Hira=しょうかんする) cite, summon to a court of law、subpoena

n. (Hira=いっち) coincidence, occurrence of two or more events at the same time; agreement, match; conformity; cooperation
v. (Hira=いっちする) agree, concur; coincide, happen at the same time

n. (Hira=しきべつ) discrimination, discernment, identification

v. (Alt=止まる, Hira=とどまる) stay, stay in the place; be fixed
v. (Alt=停まる,止まる, Hira=とまる) stop, halt, cease; stay

v. (Hira=うかがう) see the situation; watch for; peep through, look through
v. (Alt=覘く, Hira=のぞく) peep in, look in, peek in; stick out
v. (Hira=のぞく) remove, eliminate, get rid of; exclude, except, leave out

・求める認める纏める Damn this three beasts are driving me crazy

n. (Hira=こんきょ) basis, foundation, ground

v. (Hira=もたらす) afford; beget

v. (Hira=こうじる) think out well, take measures, take precautions

Monday, March 27, 2006


n. (Hira=じっせん) carrying out, going through with something, putting something into action
v. (Hira=じっせんする) practise, practice, put into practice, carry out

n. (Hira=けいそつ) recklessness, rashness, hastiness, impulsiveness, heedlessness
adj. (Hira=けいそつな) rash, reckless, hasty, impetuous

adj. (Kanji=珍糞漢糞な) incomprehensible, impossible to understand, inconceivable, cannot be grasped by the intellect; unintelligible

・七転八倒する 「しちてんばっとう」[hakka: chit con bat teu]
writhe in agony

曲者 臭い物「くせもの」

Thursday, March 23, 2006


・fata morgana「ファタモルガナ;蜃気楼; 幻想」より言わずもがなです。
言わずもがな adv. (Hira=いわずもがな) needless to say, obvious that-, self-evident that-

adv. (Hira=かさねがさね) repeatedly, repetitively, again and again, recurrently

v. (Hira=のびる) stretch, extend, make progress, grow

n. (Alt=いちげん,いちごん, Kanji=一言) a single word


n. (Hira=へんかきゅう) ball with a change of speed

・あら探しマニア cacoethes carpendi
面白いcarpendi, I hope it's not crap,
前にはただcacoethes scribendiの言葉だけを知っています。

# 言葉の揚げ足を取る trip someone up on his wording

n. (Hira=みのがし) miss, failure to hit something, omission
v. (Hira=みのがす) miss, omit, overlook; leave at large

adv. (Kanji=即ち) namely, that is to say, meaning, to wit
conj. (Kanji=即ち) that is, in other words, that is to say, this means that

v. (Hira=わたくしする) embezzle, illegally appropriate money entrusted to one's care, defraud

・リスケ reschedule (省略語)

腹立たしい【形】irritating // maddening // obscene // offending // offenseful // offensive // sore // trying
立腹立腹する v. (Hira=りっぷくする) get angry



Monday, March 20, 2006



Monday, March 13, 2006


damn I hate 敬語, and I also start to hate the 失礼致します文化
why the hell I have to say 失礼 all the way when I don't even feel sorry for anything.
damn 建前文化、crush all my 本音 away....
I have to seek a policy for myself and not submit to 護摩すり。
on top of that, last week my teacher told me this. This maybe a FACT.
外国の方が敬語をきちんと使わないとは許せることではありません。Which roughly means
Japanese will not forgive foreigner who doesn't speak polite form Japanese.
Well, I didn't tell her what I think. Well, what I think is, これは人それぞれによって、
it's all depend on each individual. I don't give a damn if someone I do not know does not want
to forgive me. I don't even give a stuff what they thinks. Besides, I also have the same right as
not to forgive someone. If one doesn't forgive, he wouldn't be forgiven either.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Word/Kanji Reading Meanings
病む やむ to fall ill, to be ill
感染 かんせん (vs) infection, contagion
泥跳ね どろはね splash of mud, mud spatter
泥 どろ mud
泥土 でいど mud
泥濘 でいねい mud, slush, mire, muddy road
泥炭 でいたん peat
泥水 でいすい muddy water, red-light district
魔魅 まみ deceiving spirit
真南 まみなみ due south
快適 かいてき (an) pleasant, agreeable, comfortable
塗れる まみれる to be smeared, to be covered
周知徹底 しゅうちてってい (something) known to all
周知 しゅうち common knowledge, well known
虫がいい むしがいい (id) selfish
本食い虫 ほんくいむし bookworm (literal and figurative)
天道虫 てんとうむし ladybug, ladybird
寝台虫 しんだいむし bedbug
南京虫 なんきんむし bedbug
真田虫 さなだむし tapeworm
益虫 えきちゅう useful insect
幼虫 ようちゅう larva, chrysalis
泣き虫 なきむし crybaby, blubberer
螟虫 めいちゅう rice borer, pearl moth
蛔虫 かいちゅう round intestinal worm
青虫 あおむし caterpillar
爬虫 はちゅう reptile
蛆虫 うじむし maggot, abusive word
弱虫 よわむし coward, weakling
地虫 みみず earthworm, grub, ground beetle (mainly insect larvae)
真虫 まむし (oK) viper, adder, asp
毛虫 けむし caterpillar
差分 さぶん (computer) "diff"
破棄 はき (vs) revocation, annulment, breaking (e.g. treaty)
承認 しょうにん recognition, acknowledgement, approval, consent, agreement
破損 はそん damage
破産 はさん (vs) (personal) bankruptcy
破水 はすい water breaking (during pregnancy)
破茶目茶 はちゃめちゃ (uk) nonsense
破天荒 はてんこう (an) unheard-of, unprecedented
破壊的 はかいてき destructive
破れ目 やぶれめ rent, tear, split
破ける やぶける to get torn, to wear out, to be frustrated, to break
破物 われもの fragile item, broken article
破局 はきょく catastrophe, cataclysm
破獄 はごく (vs) jail-breaking
破砕 はさい (vs) crushing, smashing, cracking to pieces
破談 はだん cancellation, breaking off (one's engagement)
破戒 はかい breaking a commandment (usually religious), offense against the
Buddhist commandments
破滅 はめつ (vs) ruin, destruction, fall
破線 はせん dotted line
破顔 はがん (vs) giving a broad smile
破牢 はろう (vs) prison breaking, jailbreak
破片 はへん fragment, splinter, broken piece
破格 はかく extraordinary, special
破門 はもん (vs) excommunication, anathema
破算 はさん (vs) checking, figuring, doing again
破約 はやく (vs) breach of contract, breaking of word
破瓜 はか age 16 (girl), age 64 (man), puberty, deflowering

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Word/Kanji Reading Meanings
引きちぎる ひきちぎる to tear off
引きつる ひきつる to have a cramp (spasm, convulsion, twitch)
引き続き ひきつづき continuing for a long time, in succession, without a break
引ずる ひきずる to seduce, to drag along, to pull, to prolong, to support
その都度 そのつど each time it happens, at all such times
個個 ここ individual, one by one
夫れ夫れ それぞれ each, every, either, respectively, severally
其れ其れ それぞれ each, every, either, respectively, severally
各々 それぞれ each, every, either, respectively, severally
各各 それぞれ each, every, either, respectively, severally
夫々 それぞれ each, every, either, respectively, severally
夫夫 それぞれ each, every, either, respectively, severally
極めて きわめて exceedingly, extremely
概ね おおむね in general, mostly, roughly
症状 しょうじょう symptoms, condition
経緯 けいい position, course of the matter, circumstances, story
目安 めやす criterion, aim
占める しめる to comprise, to hold, to occupy
促進 そくしん (vs) promotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring on
促す うながす to urge, to press, to suggest, to demand, to stimulate, to quicken, to incite, to invite (attention to)

Monday, March 06, 2006


Word/Kanji Reading Meanings
埋め込み うめこみ embedded
駆け込み かけこみ last-minute rush, stampede
回避 かいひ evasion, avoid
事象 じしょう phenomenon, matter
係わる かかわる to concern oneself in, to have to do with, to affect, to influence, to stick to (opinions)
係る かかる to be the work of, to concern, to affect, to involve
係 かかり official, duty, person in charge
余談 よだん digression, sequel (of a story)
入り込む はいりこむ to go into, to get in, to come in, to enter
貸出し かしだし (vs) lending, loaning
社会福祉 しゃかいふくし social welfare
進行状況 しんこうじょうきょう state of progress
進行 しんこう advance
推進者 すいしんしゃ leader
推し測る おしはかる to guess, to conjecture, to surmise
請け負う うけおう to contract, to undertake

Friday, March 03, 2006


Word/Kanji Reading Meanings
怠りなく おこたりなく diligently
怠る おこたる to neglect, to be off guard, to be feeling better
余 よ (suf) over, more than
余す あます to save, to leave over, to spare
余る あまる to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too many
原子 げんし atom
原子力 げんしりょく atomic energy
原子力学 げんしりきがく atomic mechanics
原子力発電 げんしりょくはつでん nuclear power generation (of electricity)
原子力発電所 げんしりょくはつでんしょ nuclear power plant
米印 こめじるし asterisk (*)
睨み合う にらみあう to glare at each other
睨み合せる にらみあわせる to weigh one thing against the other, to act in consideration of
睨み付ける にらみつける to glare at
質疑 しつぎ question
質疑応答 しつぎおうとう question and answer session
創設 そうせつ establishment, founding, organization
創設者 そうせつしゃ founder
常設 じょうせつ (vs) standing (a thing, in a place), permanent
増設 ぞうせつ extension, expansion
増設率 ぞうせつりつ expansion rate, growth rate
増加 ぞうか (vs) increase, addition
仮称 かしょう temporary name
箇所 かしょ passage, place, point, part
装置 そうち (vs) equipment, installation, apparatus
装置制御 そうちせいぎょ device control character (e.g. DC1)
承知 しょうち (vs) consent, acceptance, assent, admitting, acknowledgment, compliance, agreement, awareness
処置 しょち (vs) treatment
措置 そち measure, step
値 あたい (a-no) (vs) value, price, cost, worth, merit
身代わり みがわり substitute (for), sacrifice (of, to), scapegoat (for)
総括 そうかつ synthesis, recap, generalize
給湯器 きゅうとうき hot water heater
給湯 きゅうとう hot water supply
奥 おく interior, inner part
砕く くだく (vt) to break, to smash
砕ける くだける (vi) to break, to be broken
下らない くだらない good-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthless
手品 てじな sleight of hand, conjuring trick, magic, juggling
手品師 てじなし magician, juggler
下品 げひん (an) vulgarity, meanness, indecency, coarseness
未成品 みせいひん unfinished goods
付属品 ふぞくひん accessory, fittings, appurtenances
非売品 ひばいひん article not for sale, Not for sale
嗜好品 しこうひん luxury articles
美術品 びじゅつひん work of art
不用品 ふようひん disused article
軍需品 ぐんじゅひん munitions, military stores
軍用品 ぐんようひん military stores, munitions of war
化粧品 けしょうひん cosmetics, toilet articles
密売品 みつばいひん smuggled goods, contraband
舶来品 はくらいひん imported article, imported goods
代用品 だいようひん substitute
贅沢品 ぜいたくひん luxury item
代替え品 だいがえひん substitute article
優秀品 ゆうしゅうひん high-grade merchandise
天下一品 てんかいっぴん best article under heaven, peerless
品品 しなじな various articles
粗品 そしな little gift, low-grade goods
気品 きひん aroma
遺品 いひん articles of the deceased
備品 びひん fixtures, furnishings, equipment
部品 ぶひん parts, accessories
用品 ようひん articles, supplies, parts
盗品 とうひん stolen goods, loot, spoils
景品 けいひん gift, premium
金品 きんぴん money and goods
代品 だいひん substitute article
珍品 ちんぴん curio, rare article
薬品 やくひん medicine(s), chemical(s)
原品 げんぴん the original article
雑品 ざっぴん sundries, odds and ends
人品 じんぴん personal appearance, character, personality
納品 のうひん (vs) delivery of goods
廃品 はいひん waste, garbage
物品 ぶっぴん goods, articles
返品 へんぴん returned goods
一品 いっぴん an item, article, dish, course
逸品 いっぴん article of rare beauty, gem
作品 さくひん work, opus, performance, production
需品 じゅひん supplies, quartermaster (mil)
上品 じょうぼん Buddhism's highest paradise
製品 せいひん manufactured goods, finished goods
全品 ぜんぴん all goods
別品 べっぴん (vulg) beautiful woman, beauty, pretty girl
所持品 しょじひん things at hand
躊躇 ちゅうちょ hesitation, indecision
躊躇う ためらう to hesitate
集中 しゅうちゅう (vs) concentration, focusing the mind
収集 しゅうしゅう (vs) gathering up, collection, accumulation
収受 しゅうじゅ (vs) reception, receiving
収得 しゅうとく (vs) reception, receiving
証拠 しょうこ evidence, proof
並びに ならびに and
待遇 たいぐう treatment, reception
ざっと roughly, in round numbers
仕様 しよう way, method, resource, remedy, (technical) specification
所謂 いわゆる (adv) the so-called, so to speak
謎 なぞ riddle, puzzle, enigma
手始め てはじめ outset
先ず以て まずもって first of all, in the first place

Thursday, March 02, 2006




