Ax Nihongo

Monday, March 06, 2006


Word/Kanji Reading Meanings
埋め込み うめこみ embedded
駆け込み かけこみ last-minute rush, stampede
回避 かいひ evasion, avoid
事象 じしょう phenomenon, matter
係わる かかわる to concern oneself in, to have to do with, to affect, to influence, to stick to (opinions)
係る かかる to be the work of, to concern, to affect, to involve
係 かかり official, duty, person in charge
余談 よだん digression, sequel (of a story)
入り込む はいりこむ to go into, to get in, to come in, to enter
貸出し かしだし (vs) lending, loaning
社会福祉 しゃかいふくし social welfare
進行状況 しんこうじょうきょう state of progress
進行 しんこう advance
推進者 すいしんしゃ leader
推し測る おしはかる to guess, to conjecture, to surmise
請け負う うけおう to contract, to undertake


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