Ax Nihongo

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


v. (Hira=ととのう) be put in order, be arranged, be prepared

n. (Hira=てんけん) inspection, examination, checking, act of looking over carefully and critically

v. (Alt=赴く, Hira=おもむく) go, proceed; repair; grow

n. (Hira=しゅし) object, meaning, gist, point

n. (Hira=ろんし) point of an argument, drift of an argument

・執らなければ成りません > しなければなりません。

adv. (Hira=おのずから) naturally, in a natural manner, unaffectedly, artlessly

adv. (Hira=みずから) personally, by myself, by me only

・後後後「ノチアトゴ」 notch at 5.

・適する/適さない -> 会う/会わない

v. (Hira=とげる) accomplish, achieve, carry out, complete, finish

n. (Hira=ふよ) grant, award; allowance; endowment; assignment

n. (Hira=ふ) negative, minus, negation
負う -> ou and owe? perfect sound match of japanese and english.
v. (Hira=おう) bear, give birth; owe
v. (Alt=敗ける, Hira=まける) lose, be defeated; submit, give in; reduce, lower; abate

adj. (Hira=いいにくい) unspeakable, unutterable, inexpressible

・免れる - manugeru and manoeuvrer ? think about it.
v. (Hira=まぬがれる,まぬかれる) escape, be rescued; avoid, evade; be exempted, be relieved; get rid
maneuver (fr. manoeuvrer )
(動) 演習する; 作戦を遂行する; 操縦する
(名) 作戦行動; 大演習; 策略

n. (Hira=まぬけ, Kata=マヌケ) disharmony, discord; stupidity, dunce, moron
adj. (Hira=まぬけな, Kana=マヌケな) dumb, stupid, slow

adv. (Hira=もしくは) otherwise, else
conj. (Hira=もしくは) or, connecting two alternatives

n. (Hira=るいせん) lachrymal gland, gland that produces tears in the eye (Anatomy)

n. (Hira=かんるい) tears of gratitude

v. (Hira=さばく) judge, preside over a court trial and make decisions, rule

v. (Hira=しょうかんする) cite, summon to a court of law、subpoena

n. (Hira=いっち) coincidence, occurrence of two or more events at the same time; agreement, match; conformity; cooperation
v. (Hira=いっちする) agree, concur; coincide, happen at the same time

n. (Hira=しきべつ) discrimination, discernment, identification

v. (Alt=止まる, Hira=とどまる) stay, stay in the place; be fixed
v. (Alt=停まる,止まる, Hira=とまる) stop, halt, cease; stay

v. (Hira=うかがう) see the situation; watch for; peep through, look through
v. (Alt=覘く, Hira=のぞく) peep in, look in, peek in; stick out
v. (Hira=のぞく) remove, eliminate, get rid of; exclude, except, leave out

・求める認める纏める Damn this three beasts are driving me crazy

n. (Hira=こんきょ) basis, foundation, ground

v. (Hira=もたらす) afford; beget

v. (Hira=こうじる) think out well, take measures, take precautions


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