Ax Nihongo

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Word/KanjiReadingMeaningsDate AddedCommentFrequency
ぼやく to grumble, to complain17/04/28
一先ずひとまずfor the present, once, in outline17/04/28 97
下さるくださる(IV) (hon) to give, to confer17/04/28 92
下るくだるto get down, to descend17/04/28 92
下ろすおろすto take down, to launch, to drop, to lower, to let (a person) off, to unload, to discharge17/04/28 92
解析かいせき(vs) analysis17/04/28 758
解析性かいせきせいanalyticity (physics)17/04/28 583
取りあえずとりあえずat once, first of all, for the time being17/04/28 184
取り敢えずとりあえずat once, first of all, for the time being17/04/28 964
取り急ぎとりいそぎin haste17/04/28 223
取敢えずとりあえずat once, first of all, for the time being17/04/28 964
順序じゅんじょorder, sequence, procedure17/04/28 1028
順序不同じゅんじょふどうunordered, random order17/04/28 551
順序立てるじゅんじょたてるto put into order, to arrange (one's thoughts)17/04/28 704
ついで(uk) opportunity, occasion17/04/28 1245
承諾しょうだく(vs) consent, acquiescence, agreement17/04/28 1196
笑みえみsmile17/04/28 860
祖父母そふぼgrandparents17/04/28 815
通うかようto commute, to go back & forth17/04/28 72
任せるまかせるto entrust to another17/04/28 270
満面まんめん(the) whole face17/04/28 356
落とすおとすto drop, to lose, to let fall17/04/28 347


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